Saturday, October 15, 2011

having trouble

im having trouble. i live in florida now. and go to college in boca raton. lynn university. i have dreamed of getting away and never coming back. but i feel like im not far enough. i finally told my father that im majoring in something i love, photography so this is great!! but i feel too main stream. im going to delete my facebook. only live off twitter. & delete my formspring. im off the grid. i would get rid of my phone if i could. but i cant. im sorry i have been off my blog but im back!! and dreaming of moving to california and nothing is stopping me.
the bitch is back.

Friday, January 14, 2011

definition: 18" of snow

Listening to: White Horse by Taylor Swift

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

definition: missing

I know I haven't been blogging since SEPTEMBER!!! crazy right? Its senior year. The year. To:
Was, to take senior portraits
Apply to colleges
Taking the best classes
Finish off strong
Last Goodbyes

its tough. I finished applying though:) I have atleast a week left to hear from colleges!! Heres some pictures. I know it doesnt make up for months of not blogging.

Listening to: Pray by Justin Bieber